The Role of Analytical Solutions in Combating Coronavirus
It is hard to overstate the collective toll taken by the COVID-19 pandemic. The scope is staggering. In the United States alone, millions of people have been infected. Trillions of dollars have been spent to combat the virus and a large portion of the economy…
Nanobiotechnology Driving In Roads for the Treatment of Viruses Including COVID-19
The introduction of Nanotechnology has truly been one of the biggest game-changers of this past decade. Nanotechnology is “the understanding and control of matter at the nanoscale, at dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel applications. Encompassing nanoscale science, engineering,…
Battling the Pandemic with a Brigade of Software Solutions
A global race is on to develop smartphone apps and other types of mobile phone surveillance systems to track and contain the spread of COVID-19. It is a well-known fact that one of the main challenges in controlling the COVID-19 infection is actual awareness of…
Innovative Ideas Help Fight the Spread of Coronavirus (Part 2)
A large number of initiatives have risen to the occasion, encompassing schemes that support startups, developers that propose technical solutions, and requests for institutions to share their data with the scientific community. These are some examples of products which have been adopted by innovative ideas…
COVID-19 Impacts on Component Pricing and Lead Time
As COVID-19 impacts develop, the ability to understand and analyze the available data has become more and more crucial to many industries. Every minute, new data is released all around the world, growing in volume, variety, veracity, and velocity. Data analytics professionals standardize, organize, and synthesize massive amounts of information…
Innovative Ideas Help Fight the Spread of Coronavirus (Part 1)
Innovation is not only a new idea, a creative thought, or new imagination, but also an application for better solutions, devices, or methods that meet unarticulated needs, or market demands. Crises generate a lot of energy that, if harnessed constructively, can be a great source of innovation. The COVID-19 outbreak is…
Coronavirus Impacts on The Global Manufacturers Due to Countries Lockdown
As the Coronavirus continues to spread, some countries are putting their citizens on lockdown. China, Hong Kong, Denmark, El Salvador, France, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Poland, Spain, United States, Malaysia, and the Philippines have implemented the world’s largest and most restrictive mass quarantines. More than…
ECHA to Support EU-wide Action against COVID-19
On Mar 20, 2020, The European Chemicals Agency “ECHA” has published ECHA will, together with the European Commission, support Member States and industry in addressing disinfectant shortages. The Agency will also extend some of its deadlines to help chemical companies.ECHA is taking measures to support EU…
The Impact of Coronavirus on the Global Shipment
Importance of Shipment to Electronic devices:Shipping is a much more involved process than what consumers see when an item lands at their door.Shipping can provide efficient low-cost transportation, and its effective use is important to the economic progress of developing countries, in terms of the economic contribution and…
COVID-19 Impact Updates | Industry News
Automakers Fight the COVID-19 ‘The Age of Ventilators’
The World faces a dangerous shortage of ventilators, the essential devices that assist the breathing of critically ill COVID-19 patients. Ventilators, which move air in and out of the lungs, could be the difference between life and death. While the makers of N95 masks, Ventilators,…