Conflict Minerals Compliance | Industry News | Regulation and Compliance updates
Stay Compliant with Extended Mineral Reporting
October 20, 2021, RMI (Responsible Mineral Initiatives) has released a new template that combines the existing Cobalt Reporting Template (CRT) and Mica Reporting Template (MRT). This new template is called the Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT). Mica and cobalt are both used extensively in manufacturing….
Industry News | Regulation and Compliance updates
New Regulations on Toxic Substances Control Act
Summary Earlier in October 2021, Michal Freedhoff, Head of EPA chemicals program, announced a more stringent policy regarding chemicals in manufactured goods In Jan 2021, EPA regulated 5 persistent bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) chemicals to remove them from certain articles March 8 of 2021, the EPA extended compliance deadline to March 8,…
Industry News | Regulation and Compliance updates
EPA: New Rules on PBT Chemicals and Extension for PIP (3:1)
In January 2021 the EPA released final risk management rules restricting the use of five PBT chemicals to reduce exposure and protect human health and the environment. However, on March 2021, the EPA announced it was reviewing the original risk management rules through an open…
Industry News | Regulation and Compliance updates
UKCA Deadline Extended to 2023
The UK government has recently extended the deadline to January 1, 2023 to apply the United Kingdom Conformity Assessed (UKCA) marking. UKCA markings are product safety markings for all products sold in England, Scotland and Wales. This marking allows the UK a measure of controls for goods regulations. This marking also replaces the…
Best Practices | Product Updates | Regulation and Compliance updates
If You’re Waiting for the PCN,
It May Be Too Late
The impetus to purchase components for electronic products often comes in the form of a product change notice (PCN). Manufacturers will let people know when they intend to discontinue components, but that notice doesn’t always give a lot of lead time if any. SiliconExpert is in…
Industry News | Regulation and Compliance updates
SVHC Candidate List Updated with 219 Hazardous Chemicals
On July 8, 2021, The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added eight new hazardous substances to the Candidate List for the REACH regulation. These eight newly added substances make the Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Candidate List to a total of 219 substances. Some of the…
Industry News | Regulation and Compliance updates
EU RoHS Exemptions
The European Commission has contracted the Öko-Institut to review a series of technical exemptions under the (EU) RoHS Directive that are set to expire end of this year. Exemptions currently take 18 to 24 months from the application date. Priority is given to older applications….
Conflict Minerals Compliance | Product Updates | Regulation and Compliance updates
Stay Informed, Stay Compliant
The challenge posed by environmental regulations is that standards evolve continuously. Navigating these environmental regulations requires meticulous research, record-keeping and vigilance. Why Compliance is Important? Compliance law materialized to create parity in the marketplace and provide consumers a sense of security. Compliance enables enterprises…
Conflict Minerals Compliance | Regulation and Compliance updates
CMRT 6.1 Available for Download
On April 28, 2021, the Responsible Minerals Initiative (also referred to as RMI) released their latest version of the Conflict Minerals template, CMRT 6.1. CMRT 6.1 – What’s New? Corrections to bugs and errors Updated Smelter Reference List and Standard Smelter List Translation Improvements…
Regulation and Compliance updates
EPA Delays PIP (3:1) Enforcement up to 180 Days
In March 2021, the EPA announced a 60-day public comment period to collect additional input on five final rules for persistent, bio accumulative and toxic (PBT) chemicals issued January 6, 2021 under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The EPA is issuing a temporary 180-day…