Regulation and Compliance updates
Resilience of a Global Supply Chain Requires Compliance Measures To Mitigate Regulatory Risk
Risk is inherent in every company’s global supply chain. Risks to seriously consider include, but are not limited to: export controls and sanctions, environmental, social and governance compliance requirements, labor laws, and health and safety laws. What Compliance Considerations Exist Today? The two most…
Regulation and Compliance updates
TSCA Final Rules for Five PBT Chemicals
On December 22, 2020, The United States Environmental Protection Agency ” EPA” released the final rules under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) that will reduce exposure to five chemicals that are persistent, bio accumulative and toxic (PBT). These rules came in to be effect…
Conflict Minerals Compliance | Regulation and Compliance updates
Two New Substances Added to the REACH Candidate List
On Jan 19, 2021, The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added two new substances to the Candidate List for the REACH regulation. Substance Name: Bis(2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethyl)ether: EC Number 205-594-7 | CAS Number 143-24-8 Dioctyltin dilaurate, stannane, dioctyl-, bis(coco acyloxy) derivs., and any other stannane, dioctyl-, bis(fatty acyloxy)…
Regulation and Compliance updates
Starting January 2021, UK REACH and EU REACH Will Operate Independently – Using UKCA Mark After Brexit
Starting January 1, 2021, UK REACH and EU REACH regulations will operate independently from each other. Companies that are supplying and purchasing substances, mixtures, or articles to and from the EU/EEA/Northern Ireland and Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales) will need to ensure that the…
Industry News | Regulation and Compliance updates
SCIP Database is Ready for Use
The ECHA has launched officially the SCIP Database “Substances of Concern In articles, as such or in complex objects (Products)”. Companies can now submit data on substances of very high concern (SVHCs) within their articles. This database has been developed in close cooperation with industry…
Regulation and Compliance updates
Candidate List Update: Four New Substances Added to the Candidate List
On June 25, The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added four new substances to the Candidate List for the REACH regulation. The additions include three substances that are toxic to reproduction and one endocrine disruptor. The Candidate List now contains 209 substances. Please see the…
Regulation and Compliance updates
Ensure You Are Using the Latest Conflict Minerals Template 6.01
On May 13, 2020, the Responsible Minerals Initiative (also referred to as RMI) released its latest version of the Conflict Minerals template, CMRT 6.0. This template replaces version CMRT 5.12.CMRT Version 6.0 – What’s New? Corrections to all bugs and errors Update to ISO country, state,…
Regulation and Compliance updates
The European Commission Approves to Postpone the MDR Application Date by One Year
European Commission has approved to postpone by one year the date of application of the Medical Devices Regulation (EU) 2017/745 to allow the Member States, health institutions, and economic operators to prioritize the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. The European Parliament postponed the enforcement date…
Regulation and Compliance updates
Proposed Additional Restricted Substances for RoHS
On April 20, 2018, Oeko-Institut launched a stakeholder consultation on seven substances being evaluated to review and amend the list of restricted substances in RoHS Annex II under the project (Pack 15) The substances under review include: Cobalt SaltsNickel Sulphate and Nickel SulfamateIndium Phosphide Beryllium and…
Regulation and Compliance updates
EPA Announces Latest Update to TSCA Inventory
On Mar 11, 2020, The United States Environmental Protection Agency ” EPA” updated TSCA Inventory. This update adds 81 new chemicals, and the Inventory now contains 86,405 chemicals of which 41,484 are active in U.S commerce. EPA states that this biannual update to the public…