New ECHA User Role Improves SCIP Confidentiality

By: SiliconExpert on August 4th, 2022

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has created the new user role, “Submission Portal Manager Restricted”, to promote security and confidentiality.  

The new role will add more confidentiality and further restrictions on the data that can be accessed by ECHA users. Users in this role will only be able to see submissions that they have made to the portal. This restricted role may be applied to both internal and external users. 

According to the ECHA, if several roles are assigned, the stronger role defines the access rights. For example, if someone is assigned the “Submission Portal Manager” role, those rights remain even if the new “restricted” role is assigned – and the user can still see all the submissions of the company.   

The ECHA stated that the new role would be made available on September 26, 2022. 

For more information on the new user role, visit the ECHA’s website below.