Ensure You Are Using the Latest Conflict Minerals Template 6.01

By: SiliconExpert on June 7th, 2020

On May 13, 2020, the Responsible Minerals Initiative (also referred to as RMI) released its latest version of the Conflict Minerals template, CMRT 6.0.  This template replaces version CMRT 5.12.​​​​​​​CMRT Version 6.0 – What’s New?

Corrections to all bugs and errors Update to ISO country, state, and province listsConformance to IPC-1755, which incorporated EU Conflict Minerals Regulation in the wordings of the following questions: Q 4 (newly added), Q H (formerly Q I), removal of former question CUpdates to the Smelter Reference List and Standard Smelter List

On May 19, 2020, RMI reported additional bugs to the “Product List” tab and replaced an even more current version of the CMRT which is version 6.01.   Download the Latest CMRT Version 6.01 @http://www.responsiblemineralsinitiative.org/media/docs/RMI_CMRT_6.01.xlsx 


The next version of the CMRT is anticipated for release Spring of 2021.

For assistance with your CMRT or to learn more about SiliconExpert compliance solutions, contact us at csateam@siliconexpert.com.

June 8, 2020, by Ahmed Abdel Naby