Four New Substances Added to the Candidates List for 2020
Today, The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added four new substances to the Candidate List for the REACH regulation.
ECHA has added three new substances to the Candidate List due to their toxicity to reproduction and a fourth due to a combination of other properties of concern.
The Candidate List now contains 205 substances.
Please note: The decision to include perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS) and its salts, was taken with the involvement of the Member State Committee (MSC).
The SiliconExpert team is currently working now on mapping these newly added SVHC substances and refreshing the REACH status on the SiliconExpert tools. These updates should be completed within the week. If you should have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to submit a ticket through customer support and we will address immediately.
More details: the full REACH regulation candidate list, visit:
To learn more about how these updates may impact your specific business, please contact your local SiliconExpert representative at
January 16, 2020 by Keir Hoppe