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Wer ist zuständig für Obsolescence Management, Second Source, Change Risk und Compliance?

Die kontinuierliche Entwicklung und Innovation in der Elektronikindustrie führen ohne Zweifel zu Herausforderungen im Umgang mit Produktauslauf, Compliance-Anforderungen und anderen regulatorischen Aspekten. In diesem Zusammenhang stellt sich die Frage, wer die Hauptverantwortung für das Obsolescence Management, Compliance und ähnliche Aufgaben trägt: OEMs oder EMS-Anbieter?

Integration of the SiliconExpert API in ETIT Smart Search Platform Solution for Professional Obsolescence Management

ETIT SYSTEMS has developed their Software Platform Solution with integrated SiliconExpert API for Professional Obsolescence Management. This Platform Solution consists of the software tools “SMART SEARCH PRO” and “BOM ANALYTICS.” The results will increase the efficiency of procurement and the cost calculation process by integrating fully automated BOM component searching and intelligent price and availability analysis functions.

Outsmarting Obsolescence: AMSYS LCM Client Application using SiliconExpert API Integration

AMSYS LCM Client Application uses SiliconExpert’s API to bridge the data intelligence gap for obsolescence management. SiliconExpert’s API brings industry-leading electronic component database, market intelligence and lifecycle forecasting into AMSYS’s software that provides process-driven insights, analytics, and obsolescence workflows, so that you can automate your obsolescence management process.