Latest Release Notes
Commercial to Military Reporting Now Available - October 2022
In BOM Manager, users now have a report to view commercial parts with military options or military parts with commercial options. This insight is valuable to the aerospace and defense market that needs to utilize special grade parts. When prototyping it’s typically cheaper to test and evaluate commercial parts before a lengthy qualification with a more expensive military device. On the other hand, when facing shortages with military devices, having a commercial option may help avoid a line-down, but the commercial device will typically need approval for use in a military application or will need to be tested and qualified by a 3rd party. >>Read More
Pricing and Lead Time added to the Download of Multi-Sourcing Report - September 2022
Now in BOM Manager, Multi-Sourcing Report users can download their BOM with the crosses identified by SiliconExpert to find alternative with the best pricing and shortest lead times. Users can see average pricing, minimum pricing, maximum lead time, and minimum lead time for their crosses. >>Read More
Part and Parametric Search Updates - August 2022
By popular request, we have enhanced our user interface to enable filtering on SiliconExpert Grade and Budgetary Prices columns. Now when search for a part you can filter on pricing in addition to the parameters already provided. >>Read More
Event Browser added to Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) - August 2022
A new module called Event Browser was added to the Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) module to help visualize industry supply chain events that are happening around the world. Users can filter events by type, name, thread level, manufacturer, country and date. Users can view each event and see the affected manufacturers and affected parts from their uploaded BOMs. Event Manager is helping to enable informed decision making when regarding supply chain management. >>Read More
Multi-BOM Reporting, Radiation Hardness, Mil-Specs - July 2022
By popular request, we have developed multi-BOM risk reporting functionality. Additionally, our users have been asking for the ability to edit our Approved Components List (ACL) directly from the web interface, rather than editing a spreadsheet and uploading the contents into our software. We’ve created an easy way to add new items to the list without having to upload an entire spreadsheet. Finally, we’ve beefed up our part search data with Radiation Hardening information and adding Military Spec options to vendor parts. >>Read More
New Types of Crosses - June 2022
For customers who are unable to find a suitable replacement for parts, SiliconExpert has devised an alternative with different features that will necessitate a design change. These alternatives will have similar functionality to the original part and are referenced as "SF Crosses".
Military Document Search - May 2022
Users can now search military documents from our database of historical QML / QPL papers for the United States military and federal government for over 1.5 million pre-tested products.
For customers using military or federal supply components, this feature is important to see if the parts are within compliance.
Market Availability Inventory Alerts - April 2022
Stock level disruptions could happen suddenly when ports or suppliers are suddenly shut down. Or, the immense demand in consumer electronics and automobiles could easily drain the inventory of certain parts.
To help you keep ahead of inventory stock-outs, the new "Inventory Alerts" feature will send an automatic warning to your email when inventory levels of certain parts in your BOM drop to dangerous levels.
The Most Data in the Business
Leverage the largest global database of parts to transform your product design. 1 billion parts and counting!

More Data = More Alternatives
Easily identify parts at risk and find alternatives to reduce your risk of supply chain disruption. Incorporating this data into the early design phase will ensure your product gets to market with minimal redesigns and inventory issues.

You'll never have to search for PCN's or compliance regulations again. Get relevant information in a single dashboard.

RoHS & Lifecycle in a Single View
Plug in your BOM and get a simplified overview of your parts' compliance adherence, lifecycle risk and an estimate of years to end-of-life (EOL), as well as the number of direct matching alternatives and inventory levels.

Predictive Intelligence
Machine learning algorithms help you predict lifecycle and supply chain risk before it happens.

Avoid Supply Chain Disruption
Over two decades of data combined with reactions to global disruptions allow us to provide predictions in market fluctuations of inventory levels, lead time, and price.

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SiliconExpert CONNECT can embed our native software into engineering tools to put our data repositories at the fingertips of engineers in the environments where they work the most.

On Time Data is the Key to your Digital Thread
The rapid evolution of technology over the past few years has forced today's engineering and manufacturing industries into a digital transformation.

Customized Data Connectability to Keep Your organizations “in the Know”.
SiliconExpert’s API library covers a wide range of needs, including PLM, ERP, design, and CAD tools. Free Download.