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Blog Cover-Compliance Data
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SiliconExpert's PFAS Regulatory Solution is the Way Forward!

Learn why is it important to adhere to new changes to compliance regulations that took effect recently.

Blog Cover-Compliance Data

Being able to access the right data easily with no worry of questionable accuracy is paramount when trying to keep up in all areas of compliance.

Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are the latest important topic in the material compliance section for many industries. Most states in the United States, EU/UK, and Canada, accelerated rules to restrict and prohibit the PFAS by implementing a revolution of global regulations.

If you work in the consumer products industry whether you are a manufacturer or importer, this webinar will give you a better understanding about the PFAS restrictions with a detailed description of the upcoming worldwide regulations and ensure that you are working properly towards the new requirements.

In this webinar, the audience will learn more about:

  • What are PFAS?
  • Why all the world concerned about PFAS?
  • Major usages of PFAS.
  • PFAS in Electronics Industry.
  • Upcoming PFAS Regulations worldwide.
  • SiliconExpert PFAS Solution.

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