New European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)SCIP Database
Waste Framework Directive Compels Need for New SCIP Database
On September 9, 2019, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) published new information requirements for articles with high-interest material (SVHCs) which will be published in a forthcoming database that will be referred to as the SCIP database. This new SCIP database will contain information on substances of concern in articles such as in complex objects and/or products.
Where the need for this new SCIP database emerged from new requirements surrounding the current Waste Framework Directives. Essentially those new requirements under this directive requires suppliers of articles containing any substance of very high concern (SVHC) on the Candidate List to provide information on their safe use to ECHA and use the SCIP database to notify of its presence beginning on January 5, 2021.
ECHA has determined the information requirements that suppliers of articles need to provide are:
Information that allows the article to be identifiedThe name, concentration range and location of the SVHC in the articlePossibly other information on the safe use of the article
The SCIP database will provide waste operators with information about hazardous substances in the waste they process so that material flows can be “cleaned up” before recycling and reused in the production of new articles to ensure a real and safe circular economy.
SCIP Database Timeline
Autumn 2019: Launch of a user test group and a stakeholder workshop at ECHAEarly 2020: Launch of the prototype version of the databaseJuly 2020: Deadline for Member States to transpose the legal requirements into national lawJanuary 2021: Notification duty kicks in for industry
For more information or details on this initiative please visit either of these two source links:
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