CMRT 5.12 Available for Download

By: SiliconExpert on April 26th, 2019

CMRT 5.12 is available for download here.  Click here for a downloadable version of the most up-to-date Smelter Reference List, as well as the revision history.  You can also access the completion guide in English, Chinese, German, and Japanese here.  RMI recommends using version CMRT 5.01 or higher for the Reporting Year.

Major changes to CMRT 5.12 include:

Corrections to all bugs and errorsUpdate to ISO country, state and province listsEnhancements which do not conflict with IPC-1755Updates to the Smelter Reference List and Standard Smelter List

The next version of the CMRT is anticipated to be released in Spring 2020 with revisions that will reflect changes to the IPC-1755 standard.