Real-time Alerts
Search over 1 Billion Electronic and Mechanical Components
Get notified when PCNs, datasheets and lifecycle updates occur, providing you with meaningful and timely information.
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View Timeline
Easy setup by one click for notification badging. Alerts can be set on Part level, BOM level, and ACL level

Assign Alerts
Send notifications to your colleagues and flag alerts to revisit

PCN filter
Select what kind of notifications you would like to receive on PCNs and stay up-to-date

Real-time alerts for your components
Get Component Alerts
Speak with our experts to see how SiliconExpert can help you stay informed on all your component changes.

Make Better Decisions, Faster
Design Right the First Time
Find billions of electronics parts using partial part numbers or description searches. Avoid unplanned redesigns.
Manage Obsolescence Risk
Choose the right part at the right time, manage component lifecycle and obsolescence risks, access lead time, pricing and availability analysis in easy steps.
Meet Compliance Requirements
Identify non-compliance components with data for environmental legislation such as RoHS, REACH, SCIP, Conflict Minerals and more.
Forecast Supply Chain Risk
Gain up-to-date information on delays, shortages, and global market shifts to mitigate risk within your supply chain.
Detect and Avoid Counterfeit Parts
Get instant access to the data you need to make smarter decisions and select the best parts for your designs.
Frequently Asked Questions?
What is the Alert Management tool?
Alert Management is a way to send users on your team an automated email alert when certain events or changes happen to your BOM or parts.
What types of automated alerts are available to SiliconExpert users?
Alert Management includes supply chain events, inventory and market availability, PCNs, Lifecycle changes, Datasheet changes, RoHS and REACH changes, Manufacturer Acquisition notices, and GIDEP (Government-Industry Data Exchange Program) changes, including summaries of failures or suspect counterfeits.
How will I be notified of the alerts?
Users will receive notifications both on the p5 platform and through email.
How quickly are alerts triggered and sent?
You will be alerted within 24 hours of the update to our database.

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