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Regulation and Compliance updates | Thought Leadership
The Challenge of Measuring Carbon Emissions in Electronics
Electronics manufacturers are increasingly feeling the pressure to measure and understand the impact the carbon emissions of their products and manufacturing operations have on the environment. Regulators around the globe are calling for more transparency from companies when it comes to more indirect manufacturing operations….
By Laura Michael
on May 2, 2022
Best Practices | Regulation and Compliance updates
Canada PFAS: How to Comply with New Reporting Mandate
Canada’s Minister of the Environment has issued a new reporting mandate to obtain information on the manufacturing, importing, and use of PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ during the 2023 calendar year. The notice in the Canada Gazette calls out 312 specific per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances listed in…
By Laura Michael
on May 2, 2022
Industry News | Regulation and Compliance updates | Supply Chain
UFLPA Entity List 2024 (Uyghur) Update Adds 34 New Companies
The latest UFLPA Entity List 2024 update is out, and 5 new companies were added on August 9, 2024. The US Department of Homeland Security is continuing its crackdown on the use of Forced Labor in China by adding to the UFLPA Entity List in…
By Laura Michael
on May 2, 2022